I don't even know where to start... this is the most ridiculous thing ever.... As I sit here and attempt to type this with my left hand, I think I am still in shock about everything. Here is Casey's version of what happened on Friday: "Rachel tried to kill a cockroach, and we ended up in the ER." So al least you know this will be interesting.
Abby was in her bed refusing to nap on Friday afternoon, and she started yelling that there was something in her room. I went in to tell her that she was fine and just needed to go to sleep, but a huge bug crawled across the floor. It took a minute to get her calmed down and into the hall, and then I went to grab one of Casey's size 13 shoes. I didn't want to miss. :) I'm not really sure what possessed me to use the arm that has been hurting and getting weaker over the past few weeks, but I did. Holding the shoe in my right hand, I brought it up over my head and down towards the floor in an effort to annihilate the bug. As soon as the shoe hit the floor, I screamed in pain. Poor Abby thought the bug had gotten me. :) I wasn't sure what had happened, but I knew I was in a LOT of pain, and it was bad. I managed to get to my phone to call Casey. He came home to get me, and my wonderful cousins, Bonnie and Becca, came over to stay with the kids. I thought I must've done something awful to a muscle or dislocated my shoulder. After several hours of waiting in the ER, we finally got an x-ray of my shoulder and neck. I was in shock when the doctor brought us back to see the x-ray and told us that I have a pretty big cyst in my humerus (upper arm bone), and it had weakened the bone so much that I fractured my humerus when I tried to kill the bug... sooo.... I broke my arm by killing a bug. Seriously?! He said he already showed my x-ray to the orthopedic surgeon, and he said the cyst doesn't "look" like it's cancerous... but he does think we need to go in, remove the cyst, and possibly do a bone graft so my bone will grow back. So in a few hours, I went from a possible muscle strain to a hopefully non-cancerous bone cyst that needs surgery, a bone graft, and a broken arm that can't be casted. I'm supposed to call the surgeon on Monday to schedule an appointment so we can discuss options.
Y'ALL. There just aren't even any words. Several people have wanted the full story, so there it is. I've gotta go take some more pain meds and lay down. Please wake me up when my life makes any sort of sense. Thank you.
For the record, the cockroach wasn't even dead. I had to finish it off when I arrived at the scene.
Rachel!! oh my goodness! Praying for you as you try to manage life with your lil ones with one arm!! thankful you have wonderful family and church family to care for all of you. keep us posted.
OH RACHEL. Because that's what you need right now. Wow. I'm so incredibly sorry. Lots of prayers being hurled in your general direction.
Oh, my lands!!! You poor thing! I am so sorry that this happened. We will be praying for you. Perhaps this is related to your other problems and this is a blessing in disguise. Love you, sweet girl.
What?! I am so sorry Rachel! That is one crazy story. I wish I lived closer so I could help you with the kids! We will keep praying for you guys and I am always available for a phone call if you want to talk. Love you!
Seriously?! Oh my goodness. That is just crazy. I am SO sorry!!! Praying. Keep us updated!
:( Okay, I know I'm a few days behind but prayers are going up out here in Colorado. Take care of yourself!
Thanks for sharing! Your version was much better than Casey's was! We are praying for you, let us know what we can do to help!
I am finally reading the blog account of your broken arm bone. How awful! So sorry that you have been going through all of this. Family, church and relatives, are an amazing resource. Lots of prayers coming your way for healing and peace. Hang in there.
That was suppose to be "Aunt Kathy", not "Au..."
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