Casey got to put up the ultrasound pictures and video, but I guess I'm allowed to put up pictures of my big belly. :) I can't believe we're already at 20 weeks--halfway there! I look pretty tired in the full picture, but it's the best we've got for now. I'll post a longer blog about everything that's going on when I'm more awake. I just wanted to get these up before going to bed. I hope everyone is having a good week!Oh, and this is the shirt Aunt Tara got her niece-to-be as part of my birthday present. She's SO clever. :)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Halfway there
Posted by Rachel at 12:51 AM 7 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
This is how I keep going...
Life is hard.
Sometimes there is no good decision.
God is faithful.
Prayer can give peace.
Devoted family and friends are priceless.
Encouragement is a lifesaver.
Healing will come.
Posted by Rachel at 10:59 PM 4 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Wrap up
Ok, to quickly wrap up from yesterday's incomplete entry, I guess I should update on the medical issues. Not my favorite thing to discuss (it's never ending!), but I know people have been asking about it. My visit with the neurosurgeon was pretty uneventful last Monday because there's not much he can do without an updated MRI (the most recent one is from October). They did testing for carpal tunnel since I'm having weakness and tingling in my hands, and I had another MRI done of my neck this past Thursday. I'm going to see him again this Thursday (the 20th) to see the results of those tests and get his recommendations. He's definitely not pushing surgery unless this MRI shows that I absolutely need it. We don't want to put the baby in any danger--I just hope he'll have some sort of solution so I can get through the rest of this pregnancy without much pain! I'm still going to the Upper Cervical Center a few times a week, and that seems to be going ok so far. It's more of a long term thing, so I'm not expecting immediate results. We did look at my last x-ray the other day (it was done before I got pregnant), and apparently my neck is curving the opposite direction. Oh, so THAT'S the problem! Yikes! They're pretty sure that happened when I had my nasty wreck in 2001. Hopefully, they'll be able to work their magic over the next 6 months or so to help it correct itself.
In the meantime, I'm just trying to keep my head above water at work. I work Monday through Thursday of this week, we're off for Good Friday, and then... SPRING BREAK!!! Finally! Casey and I have already booked a place in Branson for this weekend, and I am SO ready to get out of town for a few days! Now I must say good night and hope that this post was enough to last everyone a few more days. :)
Posted by Rachel at 10:53 PM 4 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Not quite finished
I don't know why, but I just haven't been able to make myself update this thing lately! This past week was pretty terrible with work, but I survived and am enjoying the weekend. Mom and Dad came over Friday night to have my birthday dinner out at the farm, and then Mom and I did some shopping before they went back today. I've decided that everyone's birthday should be dragged out for at least a week. It's way more fun! Mamaw made some amazing food, I got great presents, and we had a really good time laughing all night. Mom and I didn't find a lot to buy today (hello, we live in Searcy), but I did manage to get my grocery shopping done. :) Tomorrow will have to be a day of work between going to church, but I'm not going to think about that just yet.
Apparently Tara is coming over to hang out for a little while, so I'll have to add more later. To be continued...
Posted by Rachel at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I have no pictures to show for it, but it actually snowed here today! Several schools closed, but the co-op did not... sad. I did have to reschedule a couple of parent conferences so that was happy. It just kept coming down, so I decided to work from home today (not that my neck allowed me to do so for long periods of time). Hopefully, the pain will subside a little tomorrow and I can get some work done in the office. The next couple of weeks are going to be insane! I think I counted 23 parent conferences in 4 days next week. Yikes! I'm taking Monday off to go see a neurologist in Little Rock, and I am really hoping he will be able to suggest something to relieve this pain. If nothing else, I'd take a temporary solution to get me through the pregnancy!
Other than the neck mess, baby and I are doing really well. I keep pausing to see if I can feel her move around, but there hasn't been a definite sign of movement yet. I might be worried if I hadn't seen her squirming so much on the ultrasound last week. :) Casey, of course, is still being wonderful and taking care of us all the time. Meals aren't as much of an issue because several girls from church brought a TON of food over this past Saturday. Our freezer is packed, so we should be good for the next month! They've been so sweet about trying to help while we get these neck issues sorted out. Casey works until 6:00 every night, so dinner has kind of been a headache for us. I am so thankful for the Christian friends we have made in this young marrieds class at church!
Speaking of dinner, I'm starving and Casey should be home soon. I hope this update was enough to sustain you (Christy ;)).
Posted by Rachel at 5:38 PM 4 comments