Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Baby #2 is....

It's a BOY!!! :) We (especially Casey) are SO excited! Logan Edward Cochran is scheduled to arrive (via c-section) on January 27, 2011, at 8:00 a.m.--Woo hoo! I must admit, the slightly OCD part of me loves the convenience of scheduling my child's birthday. :)

In other news, Abby had a nasty stomach bug last week (read: puking in bed in the middle of the night, getting baths at 3:30 a.m., late night laundry sessions), but she recovered in time for us to make a trip to Memphis for the weekend. I was able to do some shopping with Mom and Tara, and I finally have some maternity clothes that fit! My seasons are completely off with this pregnancy since my first kid was born in the summer and the second will be in the winter. But, hey--who doesn't love a little shopping, right??

I also got a call at the end of last week from my new boss--I am officially certified as an Early Intervention Developmental Therapist! It took forever for the state department to clear my background check, but it's finally done. I am going by the clinic tomorrow to pick up the assessment they have that I will be using soon. I thought it might be good to become familiar with the testing tools before actually trying to administer them to children. ;) They have also ordered a new assessment, and I am excited to get that in and start studying it. I should be able to start testing kids in the next few weeks, and I'll provide therapy for those who qualify. I'm a bit anxious since I haven't done this with kids under the age of 3 years old before, but I'm really excited to jump in and get started! I'm meeting with my boss this Friday to hash out details and see what we still need to do before I start testing and providing therapy.

Abby starts her new preschool on September 7th, and she's getting really excited. It's just two mornings each week, which is when I plan to get my testing and therapy sessions done. For mom's who have done this already, I'm looking for quick & healthy lunch options to send with her--ideas? She usually just takes the insides out of a sandwich unless it's tuna (stinky!) or peanut butter. So far my main thoughts include homemade "lunchables," so I'm wide open to suggestions!

Casey's job at the pediatric clinic is going well. He has quickly become the "tech guy" of the office, so that keeps him a little busier than if he just sat and answered phones all day. We are still adjusting to him being gone all day every day. Our nights seem to fill up so quickly with other stuff, so we're trying to find more "family" time. I think we might actually all be home and free this weekend--yay! I'm hopeful it won't be too miserably hot so we can all go to the park together, or something. I am also trying to get better about staying on top of laundry, dishes, groceries, meal planning, etc. I did some organizing and meal planning today, so I think the next week or so should run a little smoother in that department.

Now you're all up-t0-date on the Cochran family! Here are a couple of sweet pictures to leave you with a smile. :)
Pretty princess
Lunch break w/Daddy--she likes to wear his ties :)


Clarice said...

Yay for Logan. The 27th of any month is a good day on which to be born. I'm 3/27 Jeremy is 7/27 and our anniversary is 12/27.

Elizabeth said...

Hooray for boys!!! Logan Edward is such a great name. Glad things are going well for you guys. That Abby is as cute as always.

Nicole Whaley said...

Congratulations again!  You guys certainly didn't waste any time...already have the name chosen and birth date chosen.  I love the name.  Though I wish he was going to arrive on the 26th - that Australia day.  Purely selfish and easy to remember for me!  Enjoyed your family's updates.  Love, Nicole

Aunt Donna said...

Love the name you picked out! We are excited for you all an Abby is going to be such a good big sister.

I'm eager to hear where you will be working. I know you will enjoy having a set schedule to work a couple of days a week. And so glad Casey's job is going well. I know he is doing a great job.

Thanks for keeping those of us who live far away posted on what is happening with you. Love you and probably see you in about 3 weeks.

Glenave Curtis said...

I really like the name Logan Edward. Is this a family name? Your job sounds like something you will like.

Deborah said...

LOVE the name! That seems to be a common theme among the commenters, huh? You will adore having a boy...of course, I wouldn't know anything else, would I?

Happy for you guys with your jobs.

Glad Abby is over that nasty tummy bug too!

Mom said...

I think the name is a hit! :) Hope everything goes smoothly as you get things lined up for your job. My little Abby in preschool - is that possible??

Kim Hodges said...

Woo-hoo! A boy! Boys are just precious. Congrats!!